“Helping families successfully navigate life at home, at school, at work and everywhere in between!”
Dear Parents and/or Guardians
Are you parenting a child with attention, behaviour and/or learning challenges. Has your child been diagnosed or it is suspected or you are questioning Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) OR (ADD), ? Are you experiencing any of the following?
- Overwhelm and Stress
- Lots of worries and fears for your child’s future success?
- Worry about your child’s social interactions?
- Overly Concerned about the big challenges your child is having at school?
- Trying to manage your child’s behaviors without feeling overwhelmed and stressed?
- Parenting Frustration at the highest level often?
- Self-blame believing you are the reason for your child’s struggles?
- Feeling socially Isolated and feel like you are constantly being judged by family, friends…even media?
- Thinking that parenting is not supposed to be this hard?
- Have so many questions about ADHD but don’t know where to turn for accurate answers and help?
- Wondering if there is anybody out there that understands and can point you in the right direction to help you understand what is getting in the way of your child achieving success then most importantly help you help your child!
Is your Child experiencing …
- High Anxiety and a lot of fears
- Disorganized all of the time and losing things often
- Procrastinating often
- Sleep Difficulties
- Argumentative for everything, having great difficulty in handling frustration or give up easy
- Having difficulty focusing on tasks, or constantly moving from task to task, can’t complete tasks or trouble just getting started on a task
- Having time management challenges
- Having difficulty making or keeping friends
- Having very low self esteem
- Difficulty problem solving
- Can’t sit still feels like there is a motor inside or can’t focus on the task at hand
- Have too many thoughts all wanting their attention at once
- Experiencing big emotional outbursts to a small situation or event
- Make impulsive choices that end up with a negative result often!
- Very Emotional!
- Can’t focus on school work
- disrupts the class or classmates around them often
- Leaves their chair often
- Displays negative attention seeking behaviours often
- Blurts answers out often
- Distracted often, talking a lot when meant to be working, or looking out the window instead of working.
- Getting in trouble at school often
If you are seeing or experiencing any or all of the above then you have come to the right place to hear good news!
Maybe you have tried lots of solutions to help your child but you did not get the result you wanted or you can’t find any solutions to the challenges you are facing?
I have good news for you! Yes Good News!
Yes, you are the parent of a uniquely complex kid and guess what??…so am I! In fact I am the parent of 3 complex kids! 2 diagnosed with ADHD! I am also a professional ADHD Family Coach . You can read more about me here!
The good news is I can help you help your child! I can help you with every challenge mentioned above and more!
Sometimes you just want to talk to someone who understands, who will listen without judgement and will work with you…a guide along your side to help you achieve the success you are seeking.
I am that someone… I can Help
I help using a positive, strength based coach approach and research based on the most effective and best practices for empowerment. I work with you to help you gain understanding/clarity on what specifically is causing an impact on your child/family then create a plan with you to discover the best path to follow to achieve the success you seek.
With me you will discover a powerful parenting approach that will bring positive behaviour, effectively reduce conflict and best of all create a peaceful and connected home.
Let’s Chat…
Have a complementary consult call with me you will be able to:
- Discuss what you are currently experiencing
- share what you are seeking
- Ask any questions about how I help families
- Discover a strategy you can begin using right way to bring you success!
What I know for sure is you will leave our call hopeful and hear something you may not have heard yet….SOMETHING POSITIVE!
You did not choose to have these challenges and neither did your child however you can choose to discover ways to overcome the challenges to have the life you desire and deserve!
Book a complimentary call with me stop living with unanswered questions, worry and stress… take the first step towards a path to living a thriving life …you will hear a friendly voice and someone who understands!
Helping you help your Child Achieve Personal, Academic and Social Success!
Are you looking to help your child and /or teen gain greater and lasting positive results personally, academically and socially?
Is having a calm and connected relationship with reduced conflicts with your child important to you?
Would you like to know how to motivate them so they achieve increased productivity? Do you want to discover personal strategies, systems and tools that will empower them to live a thriving life?
Are you open to trying a new approach to long standing challenges?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions then coaching might be for you!
I will help you help your children reach their fullest potential and you will gain a calm and connected relationship with them.
I work 1 to 1 with you and your child towards goals of achieving Personal, Academic and Social Success.
I offer 1 to 1 private Coaching support with in- person, telephone or online video session options available.
Parents Educators Employers
Are you looking for Advice and Education about ADHD? Are you are seeking to learn how to communicate positively with or help someone with ADHD?
Do you want to discover ADHD Friendly Successful Tools, Strategies, systems and Solutions for Parenting, Educating or Employing someone with ADHD?
I will consult with Parents , Families, Students, Adults, Employers, and Educators. I can consult to large or small groups at the location of your choice.
I will work with you to customize our consulting session. I have many ADHD topics you can choose from for me to speak about and/or consult on or you can tell me a topic focus you are interested in most.
I will meet with you in person ( email for travel areas) or I have online video, teleseminar or teleconference options also available to you. So no matter where in the world you are I have options to connect with you!
Parents Students Adults
Are you looking for an Advocate to be your voice to communicate positively your child’s needs to teachers/school officials or your needs to your college’s accessible learning team , to your employer or to the people you live with?
Do you need someone to articulate positively for you the impact ADHD has on you and make suggestions for the most beneficial supports/systems that can be easily implemented in the classroom, in the workplace and at home for success?
I will advocate for you to Schools, (Grade School, High School, College), work places, and to any significant others in your life.
Advocacy done at the location of your choice. Online video, teleseminar or teleconference options also available.

Do you have questions and you want answers now! For whatever reason the other services ADHD Parent Power offers is not what you are seeking just now.
I get it! Sometimes we have one or two or more questions about ADHD and we want someone to give us the answers or point us in the right direction.
Is this you??… then Ask The Coach “Quick Chat” is for you!
You can have a quick chat with me and GET Clarity…Get Resources…Get Insights…GET your questions answered so you can move forward towards a Happy Thriving life!
Donna is really good because she has a lot of patience and really listens to you. When she does talk to you she does it in a way you understand. No matter what she never give up on your vision for your life even sometimes when you give up on it. She helped me to really understand ADHD and why I do what I do. She helps me see things a different way that serves me better. She never tells me what to do instead she asks me questions and how can it be different for me to get a better result. I think about it and come to a conclusion that makes my life better. We talk about some things sometimes over and over again and Donna always has patience for me . She got a really good heart and she made me see I can trust people and that there is good people out there and you can have a better life no matter what has happened to you.
In her coaching, Donna has a great ability to hear both what I'm saying and what I'm not saying. She then pulls it all together and asks insightful questions that have allowed me to make some powerful connections to break through some long-standing stuck places. Thank you, Donna!